Airsoft Combat Games

Airsoft Combat Games (12 Yrs+) is similar to adult paintball but where low impact and more realistic equipment is used. Cheap on your pocket too with unlimited ammo for only €5!

We also offer low impact Junior Paintball AND Junior Airsoft (CLICK HERE FOR FOR INFO!) age restrictions apply.

Airsoft has now taken over from Paintball and no surprise as its great value, less painful and more realistic. Think of it is a real life Halo, Call of Duty or Fortnite video game! Whether it’s scoring the flag or defending the bunker – You will be immersed in our game modes and guided by our expert Marshals to ensure a safe and informed activity session with us. Rental Pack includes Mask (Strict Sanitisation Policy), Airsoft Rifle, Magazine, Full Mag of Ammo per game.